by Vita Maziveyi | Feb 5, 2024 | Communications, Science, Weekly News
Why we think it’s important This study is important because it helps us understand what happened to hospitalizations when Canada made nonmedical cannabis legal. It shows that while there was initially a decrease in hospitalizations right after the law changed, Vita Maziveyi | Jan 16, 2024 | Communications, Science
Why We Think it’s Important This study is important because it looks at how to help people who use both cigarettes and cannabis to quit. They found that a special kind of program, targeting something called “anxiety sensitivity,” helped people Vita Maziveyi | Dec 18, 2023 | Communications, Science
Why We Think It’s Important This study explores the impact of prescribed medical cannabis on cognitive function in 40 participants with various health conditions, revealing modest overall effects despite improvements in specific cognitive tests. Introduction & Stephanie Wood Miller | Oct 11, 2023 | Communications, Weekly Cannabis News, Weekly News
In California, Gavin Newsome vetoes a restrictive marketing bill while cannabis regulators call for changes to the new farm bill. A note from a doctor isn’t enough to excuse a positive THC test. And a historic look at human use of cannabis A new study about Stephanie Wood Miller | Sep 28, 2023 | Communications, Featured, Market Intelligence
You may have probably already noticed our videos. They are the brainchild of our Creative Director, Raelina Krikston. Our scientists explain it, but Raelina helps consumers understand it. Raelina has a unique genius for turning complex principles into simple Laura Smith | Sep 26, 2023 | Blog, Communications, Science
There are formidable challenges in conducting studies involving cannabis. Understanding Clinical Trials Before we delve into the complexities of cannabis clinical trials, let’s establish what clinical trials are. These rigorous scientific experiments play a...