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FDA to reschedule marijuana according to the Associated Press

FDA to reschedule marijuana according to the Associated Press

According to Associated Press this morning the FDA will move to reclassify marijuana from a Schedule I to a Schedule III drug. Schedule I drugs have a high potential for abuse and no accepted medical use, while Schedule III drugs have a lower potential for abuse and accepted medical uses. The FDA’s plans were confirmed by five sources who spoke on condition of anonymity, but as of April 30 the FDA has made no official comment. The full impact of this change to consumers, retailers, regulators, states, and those serving prison sentences for possession in currently unknown.

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The Link Between Cannabis Use Disorder and Perioperative Complications: What You Need to Know 

The Link Between Cannabis Use Disorder and Perioperative Complications: What You Need to Know 

This study is important because it shows that people with cannabis use disorder have a slightly higher risk of complications and even death during major surgeries compared to those without the disorder. The findings suggest that healthcare professionals should screen for cannabis use disorder before surgeries to better assess risks and plan treatments, highlighting the need to understand and address the potential impact of cannabis use on patient safety as its use becomes more common in the United States. 

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The Complex Relationship Between Cannabis Use and Cardiovascular Health 

The Complex Relationship Between Cannabis Use and Cardiovascular Health 

Cannabis, once considered a recreational substance with minimal health risks, has undergone a transformative shift in public perception and usage patterns. With the increasing prevalence of cannabis use across the United States, concerns regarding its potential health implications, particularly on cardiovascular health, have come to the forefront. A recent study delved into this critical issue, shedding light on the intricate association between cannabis use and cardiovascular outcomes among diverse segments of the population. Here, we dissect the findings of this study and explore the implications for individuals, healthcare professionals, and policymakers. 

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Policy makers and the public at odds. Implementing legalization here and abroad. Perspectives on clinical research.

Policy makers and the public at odds. Implementing legalization here and abroad. Perspectives on clinical research.

More signals that DC policy makers are out of sync with the public, as the House wrangles the marijuana banking bill. The state of Massachusetts deals with the reality of legalization and so does Germany. One study shows that marijuana use doesn’t pose a significant risk in organ donation and another suggests significant increased risk of heart attack and stroke among marijuana consumers. Once again highlighting the need for more clinical research on cannabis. The FDA offers perspective.

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Unveiling the Shadows: Cannabis-Induced Psychosis and the Rising Concerns 

Unveiling the Shadows: Cannabis-Induced Psychosis and the Rising Concerns 

This article is crucial as it sheds light on the increasingly common yet often overlooked risk of cannabis-induced psychosis, exemplified by the alarming case of Bryn Spejcher. By presenting scientific evidence and real-life incidents, it underscores the need for informed discussions and heightened awareness about the potential mental health consequences associated with marijuana use, particularly in the context of the evolving landscape of cannabis legalization. 

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Navigating the Waves of Cannabis Legalization: Impact on Hospitalizations in Canada

Navigating the Waves of Cannabis Legalization: Impact on Hospitalizations in Canada

This study is important because it helps us understand what happened to hospitalizations when Canada made nonmedical cannabis legal. It shows that while there was initially a decrease in hospitalizations right after the law changed, later on, when more cannabis was available, there was an increase in health issues related to cannabis.

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