Legislative changes go into effect across the country. The DEA asserts its authority on rescheduling marijuana and reports a significant increase in clinical trials using hallucinogenic substances. Johns Hopkins begins landmark research on marijuana. A look ahead at what 2024 may hold for cannabis.

New marijuana laws take effect across the country in 2024 https://www.marijuanamoment.net/new-marijuana-laws-take-effect-in-multiple-states-affecting-workers-regulators-product-labeling-and-more/

A few stories on the DEA asserting its authority on marijuana



DEA reports a significant increase in the use of schedule I hallucinogenic controlled substances for research and clinical trial purposes https://hightimes.com/news/dea-notice-shows-increase-in-research-amounts-for-thc-psilocybin-dmt-and-more/

John Hopkins to track 10,000 patients’ response to cannabis https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/articles/2023/12/new-research-tools-could-clear-some-of-the-smoke-around-medical-cannabis

A look ahead at 2024 https://www.marijuanamoment.net/2024-cannabis-news-lookahead-newsletter-january-3-2024/